At the symbolic level, the Root (Shango) represents the earth element, and is reflected in the dense or lower vibrational nature of our being. In other words, Shango is linked to the basic survival instincts, responsible for readying the body for "fight or flight” in times of stress, thus preserving the physical organism from injury. In fact, this connection with the fight-or-flight response is linked to the adrenal glands (the medulla and cortex) which produces the hormone known as adrenaline. From the physical level, Shango is associated with the spine in general, and the orifices of excretion such as the rectum, the anus, and the urethra. Any dysfunction of this center can result in hemorrhoids, urethral strictures, and colon cancer. There is a close relationship between yemoja (sacral) and Shango (anus). As Yemoja represents the organs that govern the processes of absorption, assimilation, and retention. Shango, on the other hand, represent release of 'previously digested materials. These orishas must work in harmony for the body to maintain a state of equilibrium. For example, if there is too much waste in the colon from constipation, there can he a buildup of toxicity within the body. Therefore, these orishas need adequate vital flow in order to maintain proper health.

This course takes you through multiple wellness techniques from the Yoruba, guiding your self care routine in order to address your root energy center. You will find balance through routines of self improvement while incorporating herbalism, rituals, movement, sound therapy, meditation and The Genees System™.

The Genees System™ incorporates healing on a physical and energetic level that works to clear physical manifestations of dis-ease by bringing the whole body back into balance - one function at a time. Physical manifestation of dis-ease and/or loss of functionality directly corresponds to the 7 main energy centers of the body.

Hi, I’m Toyia A Mays.

Founder of The Laya Center - Holistic Wellness & Spa located KCMO. Integrative Herbalist/Crystal Therapist and creator of The Genees System™. The Genees System™ incorporates healing on a physical and energetic level that works to clear physical manifestations of dis-ease by bringing the whole body back into balance - one function at a time. Physical manifestation of dis-ease and/or loss of functionality directly corresponds to the 7 main energy centers of the body. We believe that the energetic imbalances happen long before any physical manifestations are present. Ancient African healers used medicinal herbs for internal and external Wellness, plus spiritual healing, movement, frequency, color therapy, Ayurvedic principles, meditation, and cultural healing mechanisms to induce deep, vibrational healing that counteracts the lack of harmony between the person and the spirit.

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